Our Partners


Are you managing a registered NGO, or a mental health related brand with a social media presence of more than 50,000 followers?

If you would like to support ICIMWS or collaborate with us, please get in touch with the organising team - we would love to have you involved.



Technology Partner

PsychoTech Services

Combining Psychology and Technology for a better humanity.

With 1+ million content views, 30+ thousand lives touched and 20+ years of experience behind us, we are proud of the impact we have created!




Design Partner

The Creative Intelligence Agency

Our expertise in customer journeys, design thinking, development and cutting edge Neuro-Psycho-Technologies will make your customers fall in love with you!




Supporting Organisations

Mannat Charitable Trust

Every child deserves a bright future. 

Our mission is to empower children from disadvantaged backgrounds by equipping them with the necessary skills, resources, and opportunities to unlock their full potential.



Manvai Wellness

Our commitment to mental health advocacy drives us to provide support and resources for those in need. Join us in our mission to make mental health a priority and build a healthier, happier society for everyone. 

Together, we can make a difference!



Navoday Kranti

भारत के समस्त समर्पित सरकारी टीचर्स को साथ लेकर देश की सरकारी शिक्षा को बेहतर बनाने की दिशा में निरंतर कार्य कर रहा एक परिवार है नवोदय क्रांति । । 

कोई भी सरकारी अध्यापक इस से जुड़कर इस परिवार को ताकत देने का कार्य कर सकता है । कोई भी समाजसेवी व्यक्ति या संस्था इस पुण्य कार्य में किसी भी प्रकार से सहयोग व मार्गदर्शन दे सकता है । 
