Campaign Deliverables

Content Creation

1. Article

One article of 500 or more words on your selected topic.

2. Social Media Posts

10 Social Media Posts in the ICIMWS template (1:1) on your selected topic.

3. Video Content

30 minutes video content on your selected topic comprising:

4. Animated Movie (Optional)

A short animated movie of about 15 minutes on your selected topic. This is an optional deliverable (we are piloting this for the first time). 

Please note: This is mandatory for those who attend the movie creation training sessions (using free AI tools) - which will be organised if at least 10 individuals are interested (allowing formation of a batch).

Content Dissemination

Content creation is the first step of an awareness campaign. The next and most important step is actual awareness generation through content dissemination.

This involves two aspects:

We understand that this might be difficult for people to do for the first time, therefore, we are currently not stipulating any completion linked goals. However, the 'working goals' will be communicated to you during the course of the sessions, and you are expected to put in your best efforts to achieve them.